Syukur kepada Allah s.w.t
Berkat usaha dan doa terutama from family & friends...
I finally got the job yg i pegi interview lbh kurang last month. I tot i didn't manage to go through as they told me there were a few candidates sit for the interview. But rezeki di tangan Allah, if its mine then it will be mine.
Oh ya, i will start working on the April Fool's Day... yeah! *let's hope i wont get PUNK'D! ahaha
The company? I give a clue...
source: en. google
Till then,
Congratulations D!
Gardenia ek? giler best dan sedap :)
gudluck babe *hugs*
dimple: yerp, gardenia.. hopefully i leh gain weight bau roti tu hari2.. nyum nyum
lynda: thanks babe! ;))
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