Hatiku sangat sedih...
Its was like a few of days back that I found out we're not gonna have a joint reception as Mr.H & I planned wayyy before we got engaged.
My fmil, Mr.H aunties n his opah dengan selamba berborak2 during dinner about their plans for the reception. Its gonna take place at their house, this & that bla bla.. Hello!! I was right in front of them and terkebil2 but I managed to senyum and gelak2 *Allah je tahu perasaan i that time*. Bukan i tak suka the plan, it just i wasnt informed about it. In fact, MR.H pun x tahu at all. We both just layankan je plan mereka2 itu.
Habis hancur musnah all my dreams, angan2 etc & i was soo frustrated!!
But i know, fmil is the biggest sponsor nanti.. so xleh nak complaint lebih2. I have to redha and just wait n see what will happend next! Hopefully, semuanya OK!
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Thursday, December 24, 2009
There goes my day!
I was bitten by a cat at my index finger
It leaves 2 punctured wounds and some of d flesh was ripped out
Went to see d doctor, received a tetanus shot and d wounds got cleaned up
My finger is still numb and the swollen getting worst
Need to go back to see d doc on Saturday for further check-up
Hope everything's ok!
p/s: But i still love d cat even it's just a stray cat
It leaves 2 punctured wounds and some of d flesh was ripped out
Went to see d doctor, received a tetanus shot and d wounds got cleaned up
My finger is still numb and the swollen getting worst
Need to go back to see d doc on Saturday for further check-up
Hope everything's ok!
p/s: But i still love d cat even it's just a stray cat

Thursday, December 17, 2009
Food for d Skinnies
Sedih! Sedih!
Saya ada masalah dgn keadaan diri yg kurus kering.. My weight is around 38-40kg mengikut keadaan pasang surut air laut.. Ada time naik, ade time turun.. but most of the time asyik turun je.. Remember in d previous post ive mentioned about pill cina utk tambah selera makan? Ubat tu i tertinggal at my aunty's hse in Kuala Kangsar & its been 2 weeks plus i dah x consume d pills. So, berat dah turun balik fr 40kg back to 38kg. Sounds 2kgs lost mcm sikit je, but utk kami2 yg kurus ni sgt la banyak & menakutkan melihat nombor itu..
So, bosan2 mengadap farmville i pun browsing2 la internet & terjumpa article about Jus Mate 5 from Herba Prima but dats for the big ppl yg nak kurus and kebetulan d same company ada product for ppl like me, and its called Gain 5. Mcm teruja nak try but i ade masalah with product2 yg kene bancuh ngan air, then minum.. leceh la! I suka pill, senang telan je & tunggu result.. Hehehe tapi mengenangkan ade testimonial fr here i sangat2 teruja and decided nak try jgk la.. sbb ramai yg dah bising2 tgk my condition..
Diorng ckp nanti nampak x cantik bila atas pelamin, pengantin kurus.. susah nak beranak etc2.. Helloo.. sape yg nak kurus mcm ni? Ive tried my best nak gain weight ok? Kadang2 bende ni boleh jadi tension sbb I malas nak explain myself.. Ade plak yg ingat i amik drugs, tu dah melampau ok.. Never once in my life try bende2 najis tu..
Oleh itu, azam tahun baru ni is to gain my ideal weight which is 43-45kg.. and cukup bulan i nak beli Gain 5.. Tunggu resultnya ya!!! Yeeehaaa..~
p/s: i pun excited nak beli product Jus DR-II which promised to give beautiful, glowing skin. *Haish, kuatnya terpengaruh* Anyone yg dah try product2 ni, sila lah bg review korang eh..
Till then,
Sedih! Sedih!
Saya ada masalah dgn keadaan diri yg kurus kering.. My weight is around 38-40kg mengikut keadaan pasang surut air laut.. Ada time naik, ade time turun.. but most of the time asyik turun je.. Remember in d previous post ive mentioned about pill cina utk tambah selera makan? Ubat tu i tertinggal at my aunty's hse in Kuala Kangsar & its been 2 weeks plus i dah x consume d pills. So, berat dah turun balik fr 40kg back to 38kg. Sounds 2kgs lost mcm sikit je, but utk kami2 yg kurus ni sgt la banyak & menakutkan melihat nombor itu..
So, bosan2 mengadap farmville i pun browsing2 la internet & terjumpa article about Jus Mate 5 from Herba Prima but dats for the big ppl yg nak kurus and kebetulan d same company ada product for ppl like me, and its called Gain 5. Mcm teruja nak try but i ade masalah with product2 yg kene bancuh ngan air, then minum.. leceh la! I suka pill, senang telan je & tunggu result.. Hehehe tapi mengenangkan ade testimonial fr here i sangat2 teruja and decided nak try jgk la.. sbb ramai yg dah bising2 tgk my condition..
Diorng ckp nanti nampak x cantik bila atas pelamin, pengantin kurus.. susah nak beranak etc2.. Helloo.. sape yg nak kurus mcm ni? Ive tried my best nak gain weight ok? Kadang2 bende ni boleh jadi tension sbb I malas nak explain myself.. Ade plak yg ingat i amik drugs, tu dah melampau ok.. Never once in my life try bende2 najis tu..
Oleh itu, azam tahun baru ni is to gain my ideal weight which is 43-45kg.. and cukup bulan i nak beli Gain 5.. Tunggu resultnya ya!!! Yeeehaaa..~
p/s: i pun excited nak beli product Jus DR-II which promised to give beautiful, glowing skin. *Haish, kuatnya terpengaruh* Anyone yg dah try product2 ni, sila lah bg review korang eh..
Till then,

Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Skin Care Products
Happy day...
Sbbnya my very dear friend Dalia has safely delivered to a very beautiful baby boy! So, famili member gang2 kami dah bertambah.. yay! After this is Mas's turn plak.. Insyaallah mid next year bersalin.. bestnya ada baby sendiri kan.. Hermm.. nak kene mintak Mr.H cepat2 pilih date kawin la.. Ghee~ *Congrats Dalia! Cant fait for d akikah day coz she hired MG for the deko, etc!*
Ok, actually I nak story about my skin problem which some of my friends think is not so major but recently I feel not happy with my skin condition which is too dry. It started when my 'mak andam' told me about it. All these while I tot i have combination skin, ghupe2nya tidakk... dats why I have fine lines around my eyes PLUS i have a bit of crow's feet when i laugh. SO, i xleh gelak happy2 ke? Sedih tau sbb 'wrinkle' ni ada dr I kecik2 lg.. *dlm pics tunang habis semua wrinkle i dah edit sbb I x sukaaaa!!*
Memandangkan hari2 kawen pun dah x lama lagi, I decided nak kene tukar la my skin care products. Sbb proses nak mengembalikan keremajaan kulit ni memakan masa, kita kenalah start dr skarang ye! Since dr skolah form 1, I mmg dah menjaga muka. My first product was Nivea *packaging dia gonjeng gile kaler biru*. Masa dulu I n my cousin beli kat 7E je sbb tak reti nak pegi farmasi or department store ni. Bila dah pandai sket, I tukar plak pakai Oil of Olan *skang nama dia Oil of Olay*. Then bila Fair & Lovely start femes, I try plak pakai. Lama jgk i pakai, sampai habis form 5 rasanya sbb bende tu murah n zaman2 skola ni mana la nak ade duit sangat kan.. Masuk uitm shah alam, my mom dah 'up' sket, belikan I Loreal products. Tapi i pakai x lama sbb i x suka tinted moisturizer *stain melekat kat tudung masa I kene kawat for Kesatria*.
Then i pakai balik Oil of Olay sampai la i stop 2 bulan lepas. That means Ive been using Oil of Olay for almost 10 years. Alhamdulillah, i xde major skin problems *pimple kecik2 once in a while tu ade la*. The latest of Olay range yg kami *my mom, my sister & i* guna was Total Effect. I mmg recommend sangat2 pakai la product ni sbb its so good. My mom had a minor 'jeragat' prob and dia dah try many products to revome it but failed, xde kesan langsung. I pun suggest la pakai Total Effect & alhamdulillah after 4-6months, all the jeragat hilang and her skin nampak glowing *org ckp she looks younger than her real age*. In fact, my 70yr+ aunty pun pakai and her customers puji dia nampak muda.
The reason i stop pakai Total Effect was I planned to have kulit yg putih kemerahan giteww. *pengaruh iklan tv sbnrnya* So, i pun belilah Loreal White Perfect - Transparent Rosy Whitening. Alhamdulillah after 2 months using the product, my skin tone & condition ade nampak perubahan *pink2* yg i nak tu. Tapi masalah dry skin I xde perubahan pun. Nak kata i x minum air, dah bergelen2 sehari I minum. Maybe dulu i was a heavy smoker dats why i ade wrinkle. Now i dah occasionally smoke sbb dlm proses nak quit smoking. I nak sayang body i plus i plan to get pregnant soon after i get married! Wee~ *gatal ehhh*

I loike!
Pic: credit to emmagem.com
Sbbnya my very dear friend Dalia has safely delivered to a very beautiful baby boy! So, famili member gang2 kami dah bertambah.. yay! After this is Mas's turn plak.. Insyaallah mid next year bersalin.. bestnya ada baby sendiri kan.. Hermm.. nak kene mintak Mr.H cepat2 pilih date kawin la.. Ghee~ *Congrats Dalia! Cant fait for d akikah day coz she hired MG for the deko, etc!*
Ok, actually I nak story about my skin problem which some of my friends think is not so major but recently I feel not happy with my skin condition which is too dry. It started when my 'mak andam' told me about it. All these while I tot i have combination skin, ghupe2nya tidakk... dats why I have fine lines around my eyes PLUS i have a bit of crow's feet when i laugh. SO, i xleh gelak happy2 ke? Sedih tau sbb 'wrinkle' ni ada dr I kecik2 lg.. *dlm pics tunang habis semua wrinkle i dah edit sbb I x sukaaaa!!*
Memandangkan hari2 kawen pun dah x lama lagi, I decided nak kene tukar la my skin care products. Sbb proses nak mengembalikan keremajaan kulit ni memakan masa, kita kenalah start dr skarang ye! Since dr skolah form 1, I mmg dah menjaga muka. My first product was Nivea *packaging dia gonjeng gile kaler biru*. Masa dulu I n my cousin beli kat 7E je sbb tak reti nak pegi farmasi or department store ni. Bila dah pandai sket, I tukar plak pakai Oil of Olan *skang nama dia Oil of Olay*. Then bila Fair & Lovely start femes, I try plak pakai. Lama jgk i pakai, sampai habis form 5 rasanya sbb bende tu murah n zaman2 skola ni mana la nak ade duit sangat kan.. Masuk uitm shah alam, my mom dah 'up' sket, belikan I Loreal products. Tapi i pakai x lama sbb i x suka tinted moisturizer *stain melekat kat tudung masa I kene kawat for Kesatria*.
Then i pakai balik Oil of Olay sampai la i stop 2 bulan lepas. That means Ive been using Oil of Olay for almost 10 years. Alhamdulillah, i xde major skin problems *pimple kecik2 once in a while tu ade la*. The latest of Olay range yg kami *my mom, my sister & i* guna was Total Effect. I mmg recommend sangat2 pakai la product ni sbb its so good. My mom had a minor 'jeragat' prob and dia dah try many products to revome it but failed, xde kesan langsung. I pun suggest la pakai Total Effect & alhamdulillah after 4-6months, all the jeragat hilang and her skin nampak glowing *org ckp she looks younger than her real age*. In fact, my 70yr+ aunty pun pakai and her customers puji dia nampak muda.
The reason i stop pakai Total Effect was I planned to have kulit yg putih kemerahan giteww. *pengaruh iklan tv sbnrnya* So, i pun belilah Loreal White Perfect - Transparent Rosy Whitening. Alhamdulillah after 2 months using the product, my skin tone & condition ade nampak perubahan *pink2* yg i nak tu. Tapi masalah dry skin I xde perubahan pun. Nak kata i x minum air, dah bergelen2 sehari I minum. Maybe dulu i was a heavy smoker dats why i ade wrinkle. Now i dah occasionally smoke sbb dlm proses nak quit smoking. I nak sayang body i plus i plan to get pregnant soon after i get married! Wee~ *gatal ehhh*

I loike!
Pic: credit to emmagem.com
So, utk menyelesaikan masalah kulit kering bak gurun sahara ni, I pun pegi la jenjalan kt Mid Valley survey2 products yg sesuai *semua sesuai je, yg x sesuai budget je, hee~* Mula2 i try product from Goodskin Labs which was Eyliplex-2. It has 2 type of cream which one for day use and the other one is for night use. Its mainly for dark circle & puffy eyes probs and not so much for wrinkle. After applying the product, proceed with Tri-Aktiline cream, this one is for the deep wrinkle solution. I love both of the products tapi I x beli lagi sbb nya...

Oh.. i so want this!
Pic: credit to Google
Since dah x dapat beli tu, we all pun jalan2 lagi kat Metrojaya, try Biotherm but set yg I nak tu x complete sbb dah habis.. maka, kami pun keluarlah dr situ dgn hampanya.. Last2 sampai ke The Body Shop sbb i teringat my friend suggest BS Vitamin E range. I x excited sangat nak beli tapi the SA sangat2 friendly and explain this that about the product sampai i cant say NO. I pun terbeli la set itew *refer gambar* *dah janji xnak swipe cc lagi, tapi apakan daya ini sgt emergency* Maka terlupa lah I akan products dr The GoodSkin Labs tadi.. next month sajalah ya!!
Oppsie! I still have to layer with Loreal day cream since the BS Vit E day cream xde SPF protection.
Utk mereka2 yg ade masalah crow's feet
p/s: price is rm180
Pic: credit to
After trying all the products, kami pegi jalan2 so that I can kill time tunggu result cream tu and we both pun jalan2 masuk Metrojaya. I mcm berminat nak try SK-II so we both pun sibuk bertanya itu ini about the products. Oh my, mmg best ok products SK-II ni, i mmg teruja esp the miracle water. I mmg nak beli but better beli in a set so that boleh dapat result yg MALATOP.. but poket pun malatop la jgk sbb i kira2 almost 1k+ i kene berhabisan and after 3 months kene kuar duit lagi.. dah la duit asik kuar rolling for biz.. so, SK-II ni kene kiv dulu ye.. lepas kawin insyaallah ade la tersusun kat dressing table nanti. *nak sedapkan hati je ni*
p/s: price is rm180
Pic: credit to
After trying all the products, kami pegi jalan2 so that I can kill time tunggu result cream tu and we both pun jalan2 masuk Metrojaya. I mcm berminat nak try SK-II so we both pun sibuk bertanya itu ini about the products. Oh my, mmg best ok products SK-II ni, i mmg teruja esp the miracle water. I mmg nak beli but better beli in a set so that boleh dapat result yg MALATOP.. but poket pun malatop la jgk sbb i kira2 almost 1k+ i kene berhabisan and after 3 months kene kuar duit lagi.. dah la duit asik kuar rolling for biz.. so, SK-II ni kene kiv dulu ye.. lepas kawin insyaallah ade la tersusun kat dressing table nanti. *nak sedapkan hati je ni*

Oh.. i so want this!
Pic: credit to Google
Since dah x dapat beli tu, we all pun jalan2 lagi kat Metrojaya, try Biotherm but set yg I nak tu x complete sbb dah habis.. maka, kami pun keluarlah dr situ dgn hampanya.. Last2 sampai ke The Body Shop sbb i teringat my friend suggest BS Vitamin E range. I x excited sangat nak beli tapi the SA sangat2 friendly and explain this that about the product sampai i cant say NO. I pun terbeli la set itew *refer gambar* *dah janji xnak swipe cc lagi, tapi apakan daya ini sgt emergency* Maka terlupa lah I akan products dr The GoodSkin Labs tadi.. next month sajalah ya!!
Oppsie! I still have to layer with Loreal day cream since the BS Vit E day cream xde SPF protection.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Suka Duka Hari Bertunang
Uishh lamanya cheq x menulis memblogging ni.. Sibuk sangat babysit my niece fr JB ddk my hse sempena cuti skola ni.. Leceh rupanya babysit budak2 ni eh.. x larat sungguh melayan kerenah diorng ni.. ade je nak tu nak ni.. terkejar2 sana sini, makin kurus la i dibuatnya... *skarang tgh gile buat photo editing sbb dah pandai sket guna cs3 hee~*
Ok, stop cite pasal kanak2 ribena ni.. Kita story about my last minute engagement preparation tu.. About fresh flowers yg I beli for my hantaran & deko 'mini pelamin anganku musnah'. I bought all the flowers sehari sebelum hari tunang kat Floristika, Bangsar. Banyak jgk bunga2 yg I beli like pink stargazer lily, pale blue hydrangea, gerbera daisy, white orchid, barbatus etc. Kopak jugak la poket ni sbb belanja hangus ialah lbh kurang rm190. BUT ada kisah disaster about bunga2 ni.. sebab2 nya ialah:
Nak tido rasa berat je sbb I cant stop thinking & thinking what will happen the next day.. lama2 lelap jgk tapi pukul 8.30am dah bangun sbb at 9.30am mak andam nak dtg. Bangun2 je, touch sket2 hantaran ngan deko bilik sudahnya pukul 11am jgk la baru start make up. Nasib baik mak andam x kisah menunggu i yg huru hara ni.. *rasa serik, x leh bayang mcm mana nak kawen nanti*
Honestly, i salute sangat dengan mereka2 penggubah hantaran esp yg deal with fresh flowers sbb fresh flowers ni sangat2 la remeh. *tabik spring la.. toing toing toing~*
Alhamdulillah, semua dah over & now masa utk buat list kawen.. *sesi meletupkan kepala bahagian ke-2*

Ni masa mak andam tenyeh muka ngan make up

My hantaran to Mr. H

Hantaran from Mr.H

Ni acara sarung cincin by opah & maktok Mr.H
Surprise! *nada Eric Leong dlm Casa Impian* sbb fmil hadiahkan white gold necklace

ni versi trial & error editing by ME!
Till then,
p/s: Oh ya, kami belum ada date kahwin, ikat katanya within 1-2 years. Makin tua akak ya!
Iklan: Kami ada buat offer to anyone yg nk sewa canopy for wedding, akikah etc. with reasonable price from as low as rm300, onwards.
Uishh lamanya cheq x menulis memblogging ni.. Sibuk sangat babysit my niece fr JB ddk my hse sempena cuti skola ni.. Leceh rupanya babysit budak2 ni eh.. x larat sungguh melayan kerenah diorng ni.. ade je nak tu nak ni.. terkejar2 sana sini, makin kurus la i dibuatnya... *skarang tgh gile buat photo editing sbb dah pandai sket guna cs3 hee~*
Ok, stop cite pasal kanak2 ribena ni.. Kita story about my last minute engagement preparation tu.. About fresh flowers yg I beli for my hantaran & deko 'mini pelamin anganku musnah'. I bought all the flowers sehari sebelum hari tunang kat Floristika, Bangsar. Banyak jgk bunga2 yg I beli like pink stargazer lily, pale blue hydrangea, gerbera daisy, white orchid, barbatus etc. Kopak jugak la poket ni sbb belanja hangus ialah lbh kurang rm190. BUT ada kisah disaster about bunga2 ni.. sebab2 nya ialah:
- the main star for the deko pelamin was pink stargazer lily BUT i beli yg x bloom lagi. The sales person kat Florostika tu ckp it will bloom by the engagement day. *tips yg dia bg to force blook d flower was rendam dlm air panas.. it didnt work out & d stem jd lembik*
- the main star for hantaran was pale blue hydrangea & white carnation. Hahahaha *dengan nada marah!* The carnation pun x bloom jgk, ok! I sgt marah, stress & mmg gv up but fikir2 time menggubah tu pun dah pukul 2am, I teruskan 'mencaca marba'kan hantaran2 itew.. Plus, the hydrangea pun dah start nak layu.. double triple stress yg teramat...
- one of the hantaran was choc coated strawberry ala Dato Siti Nurhaliza gitew, tapi lagi skali one unfortunate event I x jumpa strawberry sbb banyak dah habis. Nasib baik my BFF dapat menyelamatkan keadaan *boleh plak kat kedai buah area Bukit Jelutong jual strawberry*.
- Hahaha *lagi skali nada marah* my kakak kesayang yg pandai just filled the bekas strawberry cukup2 one layer je & mmg nampak mcm I ni kedekut sgt.. *refer gambar*
Nak tido rasa berat je sbb I cant stop thinking & thinking what will happen the next day.. lama2 lelap jgk tapi pukul 8.30am dah bangun sbb at 9.30am mak andam nak dtg. Bangun2 je, touch sket2 hantaran ngan deko bilik sudahnya pukul 11am jgk la baru start make up. Nasib baik mak andam x kisah menunggu i yg huru hara ni.. *rasa serik, x leh bayang mcm mana nak kawen nanti*
Honestly, i salute sangat dengan mereka2 penggubah hantaran esp yg deal with fresh flowers sbb fresh flowers ni sangat2 la remeh. *tabik spring la.. toing toing toing~*
Alhamdulillah, semua dah over & now masa utk buat list kawen.. *sesi meletupkan kepala bahagian ke-2*

Ni masa mak andam tenyeh muka ngan make up

My hantaran to Mr. H

Hantaran from Mr.H

Ni acara sarung cincin by opah & maktok Mr.H
Surprise! *nada Eric Leong dlm Casa Impian* sbb fmil hadiahkan white gold necklace

ni versi trial & error editing by ME!
Till then,
p/s: Oh ya, kami belum ada date kahwin, ikat katanya within 1-2 years. Makin tua akak ya!
Iklan: Kami ada buat offer to anyone yg nk sewa canopy for wedding, akikah etc. with reasonable price from as low as rm300, onwards.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Kini Tunangan Mr. H
Tanggal 29hb November 2009, secara official nya saya sudah menjadi tunangan mr.H but I still feel surreal about this..
This entry is not about the engagement ceremony but just to informed status diriku ini. Full story akan diceritakan in next entry coz now Im in Alor Setar for kenduri akikah my niece. Nasib baik la kat sini Celcom broadband connection laju. Boleh jgk bukak fb n update blog ni..
Alrite, till then.
p/s: nantikan gambar2 yg dijanjikan in next entry ya!
Tanggal 29hb November 2009, secara official nya saya sudah menjadi tunangan mr.H but I still feel surreal about this..
This entry is not about the engagement ceremony but just to informed status diriku ini. Full story akan diceritakan in next entry coz now Im in Alor Setar for kenduri akikah my niece. Nasib baik la kat sini Celcom broadband connection laju. Boleh jgk bukak fb n update blog ni..
Alrite, till then.
p/s: nantikan gambar2 yg dijanjikan in next entry ya!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Brain Freezeee
Menghitung 2 hari lagi.. haish, otak saya kepenatan memikirkan preparation utk engagement ni. Hari rabu ari tu keluar shopping bersama bonda tercinta. She wanted to buy a chandelier since the plaster ceiling tu dah lama 'togel' tiada teman. Now she has an excuse to get one. So, we both pegi one kedai lampu kat seksyen 9 *used to be kedai Kiwi Express* and melilau lilau mata ni memilih lampu mana yg sesuai. Habis satu ground floor kedai tu kami tawaf, but xde yg berkenan. Alih2 aku tanya, "kat bahagian atas ade lampu lagi ke?". "Ada tapi x berapa banyak yang sesuai" kata sales assistant tu. Mana dia tau sesuai ke x, kau bukannya dah tgk hall rumah aku. Yenna deyy.. dengan gagahnya kitorang mendaki tangga naik ke 1st floor.. And guess what? Mata ni terus je melekat kat satu chandelier hitam yg berkristal2 tu.. Wow weee, harga dia rm299 and discounted jadi rm99 je.. Dengan pantas kitorang pun membeli lampu itu.. *sangat lega ok!*
Kalau keluar ngn my mom kan, mesti kitorang kene singgah minum2 n makan2.. walhal sebelum keluar tu dah puas melantak kat rumah.. My mom ni ada habit mmg suka makan noodles kat kedai.. Ada la tekak dia nak makan mihun sup la, mi bandung la tu la.. So, I yg kurus ni dah naik berat badan.. Bottom utk baju tunang dah ketat pinggangnya.. Puas la nak kene tahan nafas nanti nak kasik muat jugak.. *tu la selalu doakan naik berat badan kan dah termakbul* Fyi, I ni kurus yg amat. my weight is around 36-39kg je and now alhamdulillah dah gain to 40kg.
Talking about weight gain ni kan, actually I was introduced to a chinese ginseng pill yg konon boleh tambah selera makan. Ni si Aira dok berderita kawan dia yg sama species ngn I dah gain about 6kg after a month consuming the pills. Alhamdulillah after a week I makan that pill, selera makan membuak2 n terbukti dengan baju tunang I yg dah almost x boleh masuk tu.. *i've to stop makan d pill, continue after tunang*
Ghehehe.. esok hari raya Qurban and I would like to wish all my Muslim friends/readers *ade ke org follow blog I ni?* Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha & Happy Holidays!!
Menghitung 2 hari lagi.. haish, otak saya kepenatan memikirkan preparation utk engagement ni. Hari rabu ari tu keluar shopping bersama bonda tercinta. She wanted to buy a chandelier since the plaster ceiling tu dah lama 'togel' tiada teman. Now she has an excuse to get one. So, we both pegi one kedai lampu kat seksyen 9 *used to be kedai Kiwi Express* and melilau lilau mata ni memilih lampu mana yg sesuai. Habis satu ground floor kedai tu kami tawaf, but xde yg berkenan. Alih2 aku tanya, "kat bahagian atas ade lampu lagi ke?". "Ada tapi x berapa banyak yang sesuai" kata sales assistant tu. Mana dia tau sesuai ke x, kau bukannya dah tgk hall rumah aku. Yenna deyy.. dengan gagahnya kitorang mendaki tangga naik ke 1st floor.. And guess what? Mata ni terus je melekat kat satu chandelier hitam yg berkristal2 tu.. Wow weee, harga dia rm299 and discounted jadi rm99 je.. Dengan pantas kitorang pun membeli lampu itu.. *sangat lega ok!*
Kalau keluar ngn my mom kan, mesti kitorang kene singgah minum2 n makan2.. walhal sebelum keluar tu dah puas melantak kat rumah.. My mom ni ada habit mmg suka makan noodles kat kedai.. Ada la tekak dia nak makan mihun sup la, mi bandung la tu la.. So, I yg kurus ni dah naik berat badan.. Bottom utk baju tunang dah ketat pinggangnya.. Puas la nak kene tahan nafas nanti nak kasik muat jugak.. *tu la selalu doakan naik berat badan kan dah termakbul* Fyi, I ni kurus yg amat. my weight is around 36-39kg je and now alhamdulillah dah gain to 40kg.
Talking about weight gain ni kan, actually I was introduced to a chinese ginseng pill yg konon boleh tambah selera makan. Ni si Aira dok berderita kawan dia yg sama species ngn I dah gain about 6kg after a month consuming the pills. Alhamdulillah after a week I makan that pill, selera makan membuak2 n terbukti dengan baju tunang I yg dah almost x boleh masuk tu.. *i've to stop makan d pill, continue after tunang*
Ghehehe.. esok hari raya Qurban and I would like to wish all my Muslim friends/readers *ade ke org follow blog I ni?* Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha & Happy Holidays!!

Sunday, November 22, 2009
Lega nyaaa
Lega nya bila semua favors dah disiapkan. Nak kata susah pun, x jugak coz I beli je transparent square box yg top dia ade butterfly tu. Yg leceh nya is time nak fold, nak lekat colored tissue paper kat base dia tu. Nasib baik la ade 150 pcs je. Kalau keje2 kawin ntah mcm mana hazabnya la I pun x tau. My VIP favor *for fiance-to-be's side* is DIY tulip chocolate bouquet. Kalau dengar mcm best je..
Actually I pun x tau nak describe mcm mana rupa mentang ni. Nanti i upload je kasi u'ols tgk k.
So kiranya now keje2 last minute je yg tinggal like gubah hantaran from fresh flowers n deko bilik. Plan nak buat ala2 kaler suci je gitu. The colors are more to white n beige. Insyaallah kalau I x giler beli bunga nanti. Hahaha
Oh ya, my mom dah balik tadi. Yay! :) Tomorrow we both nak hunt for carpet, cat *sbb ade wall yg terkopek sikit, needs touch up*, and gi jumpa caterer bincang about menu for that day. Talking about ceterer ni kan, my mom was so suprised when I told her that my jemputan will be around 100 ppl. Tu x termasuk jemputan keluarga kitorang. Plus minus anggaran jemputan ade la dlm 200 ppl. OMG.. I pun mcm cuak coz ni dah mcm kenduri kawin. Herm.. but no everyone dah rsvp, maybe ramai xde coz raya hari diorng balik kampung. Based my my reading fr another blogger, she said fr her experienced only 60% je yg akan dtg dr semua jemputan kita. So it means jemputan I mungkin dlm 120 ppl or so. *tapi takut semua turn up n lauk x ckp mcm mana?*
p/s: kerje meng'upload' pics agak lambat since now im using 'bluberry' phone which was manufactured 10yrs ago *nokia zaman batu, xde camera hehehe*.
Lega nya bila semua favors dah disiapkan. Nak kata susah pun, x jugak coz I beli je transparent square box yg top dia ade butterfly tu. Yg leceh nya is time nak fold, nak lekat colored tissue paper kat base dia tu. Nasib baik la ade 150 pcs je. Kalau keje2 kawin ntah mcm mana hazabnya la I pun x tau. My VIP favor *for fiance-to-be's side* is DIY tulip chocolate bouquet. Kalau dengar mcm best je..
Actually I pun x tau nak describe mcm mana rupa mentang ni. Nanti i upload je kasi u'ols tgk k.
So kiranya now keje2 last minute je yg tinggal like gubah hantaran from fresh flowers n deko bilik. Plan nak buat ala2 kaler suci je gitu. The colors are more to white n beige. Insyaallah kalau I x giler beli bunga nanti. Hahaha
Oh ya, my mom dah balik tadi. Yay! :) Tomorrow we both nak hunt for carpet, cat *sbb ade wall yg terkopek sikit, needs touch up*, and gi jumpa caterer bincang about menu for that day. Talking about ceterer ni kan, my mom was so suprised when I told her that my jemputan will be around 100 ppl. Tu x termasuk jemputan keluarga kitorang. Plus minus anggaran jemputan ade la dlm 200 ppl. OMG.. I pun mcm cuak coz ni dah mcm kenduri kawin. Herm.. but no everyone dah rsvp, maybe ramai xde coz raya hari diorng balik kampung. Based my my reading fr another blogger, she said fr her experienced only 60% je yg akan dtg dr semua jemputan kita. So it means jemputan I mungkin dlm 120 ppl or so. *tapi takut semua turn up n lauk x ckp mcm mana?*
p/s: kerje meng'upload' pics agak lambat since now im using 'bluberry' phone which was manufactured 10yrs ago *nokia zaman batu, xde camera hehehe*.

Thursday, November 19, 2009
Asal Usul Majlis Pertunanganku
Kisah angan2 nak kawin ni sebenarnya dah lama, yelah bila gang2 I yang ada 7 orang and 4 of them dah kawin & beranak pinak pun. Mula2 Linda yg kawin and dah ade sorang baby boy named Nazhif *muka dia ala2 Noh Hujan versi kecik, sangat chomel ok*, then Dalia pulak *she's now expecting a baby boy due in December*, followed by Aira . She has a very beautiful and sangat bijak *baby Zara baru umur 4months dah pandai berborak2 & berguling2* im so impressed ok! and lastly yang paling super vogue Mrs. Mas who just found out she's almost 2 months pregnant.
Ehh.. hellooo kalau dah semua happily married with kids, sapa yg tak jealous. Lagi2 bila I yang dah 7 tahun bercinta dengan Mr.Herie *my soon-to-be fiance is a wedding photographer of WeddingsMEDIA* ni xde plan nak settle down pun.
Well, since Mr.Herie start bergelumang dengan kenduri kawin orang lain and merasa mcm mana bestnya wedding ni, agaknya barulah Allah bukakan hati dia *knock knock* nak settle down. Early this year, he proposed to marry me and I was so shock, malu2 *konon la* and I said YES! YES! *Ive been waiting for this moment so long* *I tot dia ni xnak kawin, kang I plak yg proposed baru tau*. Alhamdulillah :)
Tanggal 12th July 2009, famili Mr.H datang merisik *musykil jgk kenapa nak merisik sbb diorng dah kenal I for 7yrs kot* tapi mereka mengikut adat la katanya kene ikut every procedure kawin; merisik, tunang then nikah. Yerp, since that day secara rasminya I dah di'booked' oleh Mr.H. Tapi masa merisik, kitorang belum decide on engagement date sbb Mr.H ni always busy 'menembak' on wedding days client2 dia. Kami sangat stress memilih date yg sesuai. I memang nak sangat date 07/08/09 tapi ramai yg kawin & bertunang on that date and Mr.H sudah di'booked' client. Sudahnya our engagement date *dah confirm ok, no more changes* will be on 29th November 2009.
Now tinggal a few days left for me to do all the preparations. The theme on that day are Silver & Pink. My FMIL nak silver je but since I dah terbeli kain organza pink bersulam2 *beli pn fr FMIL gak coz dia ade butik kat Taman Melati* I tot better I hantar tailor je pakai for tunang nanti. Mula2 risau gak how the baju will turn out, ok ke x, takut nampak gonjeng ke x.. and bila dah siap wow! cantiknya *Aira pn ckp cantik tau* and very satisfied with my tailor yg serba boleh tu. Hehehe *gelaran tailor tu Aira yg bagi* :p So, one down but many things yg x buat lagi.
Kalau nak list satu2 pasal engagement preparation ni I rasa mcm x sudah je sbb when I read other people's blog semua best2 je. Mula la nafsu ni rasa tu tak cukup, ni tak cukup. My hantaran semua buat sendiri je but only the tray yang I sewa sebab nak beli kat Romantika Alam Sentral dah habis. I sewa English White Tray from littleflowerpot sbb harga kakak tu bagi murah je rm70 for 7 dulang, memang berbaloi baloi! Cuma yang tinggal skarang ni, I x tau nak pakai fresh flowers ke artificial flowers. What do u guys think? Any suggestions tak? Kalau nak beli bunga2 ni kat mana yg murah and boleh beli in bulk eh?
Mini pelamin & make-up dah settle. I amik service from since she is my friend and senang sikit communicate dgn org yg kita kenal ni. Lagi pun service yg Hana provides semuanya murah2 and I love her works. *promosi yg berbaloi baloi ni* And now tinggal nak siapkan favors which I just beli marshmallow *for relatives & friends* & ferrero rocher *for Mr.H's family* and nak siapkan room deco. I just pakai bed sheet my sister kawin dulu and add mana2 deco yang perlu. Takde la nak berhabis sakan sbb its just for engagement je. *walhal dah banyak duit I hangus ni*
Oh ya, satu lagi yang tak ada lagi is the catering. My mom pun tak balik lagi from JB *full story in previous entry* and I tak nak la memandai pilih mana2 catering yang I tak tau sedap ke tak masakan diorng. Now kene tungu je. Canopy pulak dah ade semuanya di'sponsor' oleh company Mr.H. Yay, save ongkos untuk belanja canopy. *yes, Mr.H ade business canopy, plz contact me if u guys need our service ya!*.
Phewww.. panjang sungguh entry ni. Dah penat nak type lagi. Next entry I sambung about my engagement preparation ya! Nak tido dah, esok ade kerahan tenaga buruh lagi. Mata ni dah jadi mcm panda sudeyy.. :(
p/s: Nanti i upload pictures hasil kerja keras tangan DIY i ya!
Ehh.. hellooo kalau dah semua happily married with kids, sapa yg tak jealous. Lagi2 bila I yang dah 7 tahun bercinta dengan Mr.Herie *my soon-to-be fiance is a wedding photographer of WeddingsMEDIA* ni xde plan nak settle down pun.
Well, since Mr.Herie start bergelumang dengan kenduri kawin orang lain and merasa mcm mana bestnya wedding ni, agaknya barulah Allah bukakan hati dia *knock knock* nak settle down. Early this year, he proposed to marry me and I was so shock, malu2 *konon la* and I said YES! YES! *Ive been waiting for this moment so long* *I tot dia ni xnak kawin, kang I plak yg proposed baru tau*. Alhamdulillah :)
Tanggal 12th July 2009, famili Mr.H datang merisik *musykil jgk kenapa nak merisik sbb diorng dah kenal I for 7yrs kot* tapi mereka mengikut adat la katanya kene ikut every procedure kawin; merisik, tunang then nikah. Yerp, since that day secara rasminya I dah di'booked' oleh Mr.H. Tapi masa merisik, kitorang belum decide on engagement date sbb Mr.H ni always busy 'menembak' on wedding days client2 dia. Kami sangat stress memilih date yg sesuai. I memang nak sangat date 07/08/09 tapi ramai yg kawin & bertunang on that date and Mr.H sudah di'booked' client. Sudahnya our engagement date *dah confirm ok, no more changes* will be on 29th November 2009.
Now tinggal a few days left for me to do all the preparations. The theme on that day are Silver & Pink. My FMIL nak silver je but since I dah terbeli kain organza pink bersulam2 *beli pn fr FMIL gak coz dia ade butik kat Taman Melati* I tot better I hantar tailor je pakai for tunang nanti. Mula2 risau gak how the baju will turn out, ok ke x, takut nampak gonjeng ke x.. and bila dah siap wow! cantiknya *Aira pn ckp cantik tau* and very satisfied with my tailor yg serba boleh tu. Hehehe *gelaran tailor tu Aira yg bagi* :p So, one down but many things yg x buat lagi.
Kalau nak list satu2 pasal engagement preparation ni I rasa mcm x sudah je sbb when I read other people's blog semua best2 je. Mula la nafsu ni rasa tu tak cukup, ni tak cukup. My hantaran semua buat sendiri je but only the tray yang I sewa sebab nak beli kat Romantika Alam Sentral dah habis. I sewa English White Tray from littleflowerpot sbb harga kakak tu bagi murah je rm70 for 7 dulang, memang berbaloi baloi! Cuma yang tinggal skarang ni, I x tau nak pakai fresh flowers ke artificial flowers. What do u guys think? Any suggestions tak? Kalau nak beli bunga2 ni kat mana yg murah and boleh beli in bulk eh?
Mini pelamin & make-up dah settle. I amik service from since she is my friend and senang sikit communicate dgn org yg kita kenal ni. Lagi pun service yg Hana provides semuanya murah2 and I love her works. *promosi yg berbaloi baloi ni* And now tinggal nak siapkan favors which I just beli marshmallow *for relatives & friends* & ferrero rocher *for Mr.H's family* and nak siapkan room deco. I just pakai bed sheet my sister kawin dulu and add mana2 deco yang perlu. Takde la nak berhabis sakan sbb its just for engagement je. *walhal dah banyak duit I hangus ni*
Oh ya, satu lagi yang tak ada lagi is the catering. My mom pun tak balik lagi from JB *full story in previous entry* and I tak nak la memandai pilih mana2 catering yang I tak tau sedap ke tak masakan diorng. Now kene tungu je. Canopy pulak dah ade semuanya di'sponsor' oleh company Mr.H. Yay, save ongkos untuk belanja canopy. *yes, Mr.H ade business canopy, plz contact me if u guys need our service ya!*.
Phewww.. panjang sungguh entry ni. Dah penat nak type lagi. Next entry I sambung about my engagement preparation ya! Nak tido dah, esok ade kerahan tenaga buruh lagi. Mata ni dah jadi mcm panda sudeyy.. :(
p/s: Nanti i upload pictures hasil kerja keras tangan DIY i ya!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009
The Clock is Ticking
Tik tok tik tok.. The clock is ticking!!
Its almost coming.. yerp my engagement day *I only have less than 2 weeks* and im still struggling doing the preparation. Duhh I tot its easy to DIY everything but arghhh *headache*.. I mean all the hantaran, room deco, favors, catering + canopy, etc all by myself. Its so making me nervous!
Plus, mommy is not around when I needed her the most. Fyi, she is now in JB staying wth my elder sister to take of my two angels since my sister didnt have a maid, yet.
And during these hectic time, I still have time to start blogging! What am i thinking? Well, as i was busy making my own flower pomander, i tot of 'preserve'ing all the engagement preparation moments so that my soon-to-be fiance, my friends and myself can recall back whenever the topic came out anytime later when we get older or whenever lah.. heehee :)
I will continue to share the story mory morning glory when i feel like to coz now i hafta sambung kerja2 kerahan tenaga buruh..
till then! Bye..
Its almost coming.. yerp my engagement day *I only have less than 2 weeks* and im still struggling doing the preparation. Duhh I tot its easy to DIY everything but arghhh *headache*.. I mean all the hantaran, room deco, favors, catering + canopy, etc all by myself. Its so making me nervous!
Plus, mommy is not around when I needed her the most. Fyi, she is now in JB staying wth my elder sister to take of my two angels since my sister didnt have a maid, yet.
And during these hectic time, I still have time to start blogging! What am i thinking? Well, as i was busy making my own flower pomander, i tot of 'preserve'ing all the engagement preparation moments so that my soon-to-be fiance, my friends and myself can recall back whenever the topic came out anytime later when we get older or whenever lah.. heehee :)
I will continue to share the story mory morning glory when i feel like to coz now i hafta sambung kerja2 kerahan tenaga buruh..
till then! Bye..

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