Just to let you guys know that im not in a good condition since d day i got back from PD. I had a bad sore throat, high fever & most of all worse gastric i ever had. Since i was in primary school i mmg ade gastric pun dah lama jgk x kene gastric attack until lately. *if this not get a proper treatment, it will cause gastric cancer, and i hope its not!*
i did google and found this article regarding d symptoms2 i have now but only a few je yg i feel such as nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, heartburn fatigue and weight loss. now my weight is around 36kgs and if this gets worse, im afraid i boleh jadi kurus kering.
so, tomorrow im going for a checkup and hopefully my condition is ok. i want to get healthy soon. i want to go out instead terperap je kat rumah sbb my head's spinning mcm baru lepas naik buaian pusing2 kat Genting tu. X suke...
p/s: please, please doakan i!
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Monday, February 22, 2010
Hitam itu Menawan
Saya sudah pulang.. yay yay!
Pulang dari trip FEWIT di Tanjung Tuan Recency Resort, PD. Oh my! Aktiviti yg sgt best and i dah jadi hangus terbakar.
Nak cite pasal whole event ni sgt la panjang sbb kitorang ade je aktiviti yg kene buat and sangat la menjerihkan sebabnya ialah masalah cuaca. I x tau la kat tempat lain mcm mana but dekat PD cuaca amat, paling, terPANAS sangat2.. sampai pedih2 kulit ni lagi2 bila terkena air laut..
Now i still sakit2 badan, kepala n nak demam ni.
So, nanti i sambung cerita togther with d photos ya! Akak mau beradu kejap sbb mata dah separuh je ni coz tadi dah telan ubat selsema.
Till then,
Pulang dari trip FEWIT di Tanjung Tuan Recency Resort, PD. Oh my! Aktiviti yg sgt best and i dah jadi hangus terbakar.
Nak cite pasal whole event ni sgt la panjang sbb kitorang ade je aktiviti yg kene buat and sangat la menjerihkan sebabnya ialah masalah cuaca. I x tau la kat tempat lain mcm mana but dekat PD cuaca amat, paling, terPANAS sangat2.. sampai pedih2 kulit ni lagi2 bila terkena air laut..
Now i still sakit2 badan, kepala n nak demam ni.
So, nanti i sambung cerita togther with d photos ya! Akak mau beradu kejap sbb mata dah separuh je ni coz tadi dah telan ubat selsema.
Till then,

Thursday, February 18, 2010
FEWIT! Its Mr.H's birthday
Tomorrow is Mr.H's 26th birthday..
we are going to Port Dickson to celebrate it!
it's his high school reunion trip for students badge year 2001.. i menumpang sekaki je.. plus i dengan semua kawan2 Mr.H mmg sekepala.. *the trip is called FEWIT a.k.a. February’s Event “Wowwwy” Irresistible Tour*
we'll be staying at The Regency Hotel and i've never been there.. hopefully tempat tu ok la.. Ramai participants for this trip.. almost 40 org; boys n girls, husbands n wives.. sure best giler!!
bdk2 ni semua excited siap tempah baju for teams masa nak main sukaneka nanti.. tema utk trip ni sea creatures.. and my group is Kuda Laut n we'll be wearing yellow t-shirt.. I dengar ade banyak game yg organizer plan.. i hope my team menang.. I dah siap2 'bersukan' sket2 kat rumah, buat stretching etc sbb i risau nanti kat sana ade yg cramp la, terseliuh la sbb i dah lama x main sport ni.. *dulu masa skola, akak ni ratu sukan tau*
Im soooo excited! Yay..
p/s: kalau i hitam nanti mcm mana eh? blasah je la.. janji enjoy!! weee~
Till then,
we are going to Port Dickson to celebrate it!
it's his high school reunion trip for students badge year 2001.. i menumpang sekaki je.. plus i dengan semua kawan2 Mr.H mmg sekepala.. *the trip is called FEWIT a.k.a. February’s Event “Wowwwy” Irresistible Tour*
we'll be staying at The Regency Hotel and i've never been there.. hopefully tempat tu ok la.. Ramai participants for this trip.. almost 40 org; boys n girls, husbands n wives.. sure best giler!!
bdk2 ni semua excited siap tempah baju for teams masa nak main sukaneka nanti.. tema utk trip ni sea creatures.. and my group is Kuda Laut n we'll be wearing yellow t-shirt.. I dengar ade banyak game yg organizer plan.. i hope my team menang.. I dah siap2 'bersukan' sket2 kat rumah, buat stretching etc sbb i risau nanti kat sana ade yg cramp la, terseliuh la sbb i dah lama x main sport ni.. *dulu masa skola, akak ni ratu sukan tau*
Im soooo excited! Yay..
ni la t-shirt kitorang nanti. my team kaler kuning.
ni nama kumpulan2 masa sukaneka nanti. yellow team is d sea horse!
p/s: kalau i hitam nanti mcm mana eh? blasah je la.. janji enjoy!! weee~
i LOVE u
so much!
Till then,

Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Career baru *i wish*
Puh puh! Dah bersawang plak blog ni..
Okeh, lama kan x story mory update pasal diriku ini. Banyak sbb antaranya malas *lg suke baca u all punya entry je*, then i xde hot story nak share.
Well, actually on Monday i have to temankan ayah pegi hukm buat checkup mata. My dad is 61yrs old and he's a govt pensioner. My dad ni ade diabetes n as u all know org yg ade diabetes ni senang dpt penyakit2 lain kan coz bdn dah x kuat nak layan penyakit. One of his penyakit is glaucoma and he needs the surgery as soon as possible. If the disease did not get proper treatment, my dad could go blind. Actually he did d surgery last year and it cost thousands of RM but the penyakit dtg lagi sbb penyakit kencing manis tu makes d urat saraf didnt function well. *oh poor my dad, i love u ayah* Anyone here who have any experience with this matter, plz share how u handle it. My dad ni kadang2 degil x nak jaga his kesihatan elok2. I yang selalu bising2, dah macam mak tiri plak. *sigh*
While waiting for my dad at hukm, i went to pappa rich sumwhere around dat area and guess what, i got a call from G company n asked me to come for an interview on wednesday *its today*. I was excited + so nervous coz its been a while since i quit my last job *currently i kerja sendiri*. At d first place, i planned x nak kerja makan gaji coz i prefer kerja sendiri but thinking yg we are getting married n after married sure nak beli rumah this n dat, one of us mesti sacrifice ade kerja tetap. *senang apply for loan bla bla, kata tunangku*
So, i just got back fr d interview and alhamdulillah it went well *aku je yg perasan ok kot, ahaha* the interviewer was a malay lady in her late 30's i think.. sangat2 baik n x banyak songeh tanya yg bukan2 *i applied for marketing executive* i really hope i got this job sbb d company *actually its a factory* sangat dekat to my hse, its a 7mins drive, they provide meals; 2x sehari which area breakfast n lunch, parking free and yg best after interview tadi, semua candidates were given rm20 cash as token dah bersusah payah dtg interview *kira nak cover duit minyak toll bla bla* best x korang rasa? sgt prihatin company ni kan?
I x sabar nak gi shopping baju2 kerja sbb baju2 lama i dah kasik kat charity. *dgn harapan dpt kerja ni*
p/s: kawan2, doakan i dapat kerja ni ye! thanksss.. ;)
Till then,
Okeh, lama kan x story mory update pasal diriku ini. Banyak sbb antaranya malas *lg suke baca u all punya entry je*, then i xde hot story nak share.
Well, actually on Monday i have to temankan ayah pegi hukm buat checkup mata. My dad is 61yrs old and he's a govt pensioner. My dad ni ade diabetes n as u all know org yg ade diabetes ni senang dpt penyakit2 lain kan coz bdn dah x kuat nak layan penyakit. One of his penyakit is glaucoma and he needs the surgery as soon as possible. If the disease did not get proper treatment, my dad could go blind. Actually he did d surgery last year and it cost thousands of RM but the penyakit dtg lagi sbb penyakit kencing manis tu makes d urat saraf didnt function well. *oh poor my dad, i love u ayah* Anyone here who have any experience with this matter, plz share how u handle it. My dad ni kadang2 degil x nak jaga his kesihatan elok2. I yang selalu bising2, dah macam mak tiri plak. *sigh*
While waiting for my dad at hukm, i went to pappa rich sumwhere around dat area and guess what, i got a call from G company n asked me to come for an interview on wednesday *its today*. I was excited + so nervous coz its been a while since i quit my last job *currently i kerja sendiri*. At d first place, i planned x nak kerja makan gaji coz i prefer kerja sendiri but thinking yg we are getting married n after married sure nak beli rumah this n dat, one of us mesti sacrifice ade kerja tetap. *senang apply for loan bla bla, kata tunangku*
So, i just got back fr d interview and alhamdulillah it went well *aku je yg perasan ok kot, ahaha* the interviewer was a malay lady in her late 30's i think.. sangat2 baik n x banyak songeh tanya yg bukan2 *i applied for marketing executive* i really hope i got this job sbb d company *actually its a factory* sangat dekat to my hse, its a 7mins drive, they provide meals; 2x sehari which area breakfast n lunch, parking free and yg best after interview tadi, semua candidates were given rm20 cash as token dah bersusah payah dtg interview *kira nak cover duit minyak toll bla bla* best x korang rasa? sgt prihatin company ni kan?
I x sabar nak gi shopping baju2 kerja sbb baju2 lama i dah kasik kat charity. *dgn harapan dpt kerja ni*
p/s: kawan2, doakan i dapat kerja ni ye! thanksss.. ;)
Till then,

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